We neither regret nor rejoice seeing 2023 put on the shelf. Years come and go. What matters are the stories we wrote and the relationships we made. And with the dawn of January 1st, we both carry on with what we started and begin anew that which most requires our attention, and hopefully yours.

We founded the Idaho Majority Club with you in mind. Idaho citizens, voters, good working people, families – the strength of our conservative state. We know you and we are among you, committed to Idaho’s values and a civil and “sane” political class and discourse.

Our Principles are clear and unwavering. Idaho’s principles, observed easily in her citizens. The Majority. We hope you see Idaho as we do, as a beacon of freedom and prosperity in this uniquely challenging era and in a changing America.

Together we are the strength needed to re-unite our citizenry and recruit and elect those who will represent us in line with our beliefs and principles. Idaho’s Majority beliefs and principles as expressed by our faith, our families, and our work. These principles include:

1. Individual responsibility, as is necessary in a free society.

2. A focus on families as the core of our communities.

3. A Constitutionally grounded world view with a belief and commitment to limited government and the sovereignty of states.

4. A belief in citizen participation in governance and the wisdom of the individual voter.

5. A belief that prosperity comes from individual initiative and achievement within a market-driven economy.

6. A belief that Idaho’s future lies in the hands of those who unite to direct her course.

We reject the nonstop insults, the serial arguing, the belittling, the fringe divisiveness of those seeking power. So much of that we saw in 2023. But Idaho is better, and our responsibilities are bigger than that. We want 2024 to be a new beginning with fresh goals for the future. A year in which you, the voter is valued. A year in which issues are openly and truthfully debated. And a year in which we as the Majority stand united, sometimes in agreement, sometimes not. But always with Idaho as our focus.

So if you love this State as much as we do, her mountains, rivers, and many lakes, abundant wildlife, blue pristine skies, rugged peaks and broad prairies, fertile lands for farming and grazing, ghost towns and mining camps, help us make 2024 the year of the Majority.

We believe with us in our system of citizen (limited) government and a part-time legislature. A legislature where our elected representatives respond to you, in your legislative districts and not to fringe power groups or even political parties that evaluate them and hold them accountable to their clutches and money, and away from our votes. This was not the system our forefathers put in place, and we can do better. We believe the Majority in Idaho wants to do better. If you agree then help us make 2024 the year the Majority stood up.

If you believe a free society depends on and in fact requires good citizenship by its people, exercising individual responsibility, raising their children well and contributing to polite and civil discourse in our schools, businesses, and legislative processes ~ then we stand proudly with you in that Majority.

If you believe your family is America’s (and Idaho’s) future and serves as the core of your efforts and our community, so do most Idahoans ~ and we stand proudly with you in that Majority.

With that - we embrace the promise of 2024 and the challenges and opportunities that are before us. We have been entrusted with this new year, let us serve it well!

~ The Idaho Majority Club